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Tips for Businesses during the Holidays

Post your Holiday Hours

This may sound self-explanatory, but many small businesses get extra busy during the holidays and may forget to post their updated hours. Be sure to post on your website, social media, Google, and of course at your brick and mortar location. If you have a monthly newsletter, this would also be a great place to post your holiday hours!

Treat your Seasonal Employees well

As business picks up, you may need a few extra hands on deck. If you decide to take on some temporary or seasonal labor, be sure to do it the right way. Solid Contracts for your seasonal employees are an absolute necessity. We can help with that!

Also, if you are taking on some teenagers while school is out, remember the rules for youth employment. Check out this article from the US Department of Labor >>

Once the holiday season is over, be sure to wrap up your relationship with your seasonal workers positively. In addition to telling from the onset that the work is temporary, be sure to give them two weeks' notice before ending their time with you. Take time to do an exit interview to give and receive feedback. Talk with them about future opportunities and maintain a good relationship. Who knows when you may need them again!

Review your Business Plan for next year

The holidays creep up fast, but it is an important time for planning. Schedule a meeting with your accountant and your lawyer to go over how things went this past year and make plans for the next year. Giving them a heads up about any big plans you have for next year will help you get off on the right foot.

If you are ready to schedule some time with your favorite Charleston Business Attornys, give us a call!

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